Fear (False Events Acting Real)
Greetings! Throughout my life I have been gripped by fear. I think I have feared just about everything. Fear of financial devastation, fear of being alone, fear of health issues...the list goes on and on...Probably because that is how our minds work, an endless chatter of negativity about ourselves, who we are. Or who we believe to think of who we are. So just for a moment, please consider this. You are an eternal being who is on this earth a short period of time, you are loved by a divine source greater than yourself. This source, desires always the best and highest good for you. There are 1000 possibilities to the next moment in time. Choose to live in love and not in fear. Trust that you are not alone, and your ego mind just likes to chatter in the negative. Believe that with the help of this supreme being you can go beyond any challenge that life throws your way. And finally know that you have all the answers within you if you just quiet your mind and listen.
Choose love instead of fear.